Making a Summer Night Bass - Full Build

Making a 2000 Year old bog oak and white ash bass guitar. Throughout the video, You can hear music samples played on this very instrument. For the last day of summer of 2020, a final guitar build from the four seasons series. We chose white moon and a star contrasting the dark honey comb body reminding us of clear starry summer nights . We started a couple of months ago by prepping the bone which we used as inlays for the star on the fret board and as a bone nut. After cooking, bone is cut into small blocks and submerged in gasoline cleaner fluid over the period of three weeks. After all the grease left the bone, inlays are cnc cut into star shape and then glued using superglue into slots on the fret board. Fret board is cut from a bog oak board which was drying for a couple of years. The body and the neck is made from dry white ash board which we first cut into pieces and left to dry and stabilize over 3 weeks. After gluing, the block is again left to settle for a couple of weeks to fervent future warping.
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