
The Brick Presents The Ultimate Stimulus: Now More Than Ever Amanda McCloud is a renegade economist with an erotic plan to fix wealth inequality. Could her approach to one of our country’s most urgent problems be the answer no one was looking for? Donations to the artists can be made via with the note ‘Ultimate Stimulus’ Writer…Felipe Ossa Director and Editor…Sara Wolkowitz Graphic Designer…Max Wolkowitz Camera and Lighting…Gregg Bellón Assistant Director…Gabby Farrah Stage Manager…Jean E. Compton Spanish Translator…Paola C. Ramírez Cast Amanda McCloud…Tanya O’Debra The Cliebkins: Manuel Venegas…Nestor Carrillo Alma Venegas…Mariana Buoninconti Jenny…Sara Wolkowitz Marvin…Scott Williams Bill…Becca Blackwell Melinda…Purva Bedi Yolanda…Nyderia Hall Greg…Shappy Seasholtz Bernice…Youl ah Kim Raj…Sergei Burbank Elliot…Felipe Ossa Margot…Amanda Duarte And Aiden Sims as Gladys Voiceovers by Martín Balmaceda and Laura Spalding The Ultimate Stimulus: Now More Than Ever is sponsored, in p
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