Diego Sanchez | DISGORGE: Brutal Death Metal, Blast Beats, Guitar Rigs & Poetry | Garza Podcast 75

Garza sits down with Diego Sanchez. Guitar player of the legendary death metal band Disgorge. Starting in the mid 90’s. Disgorge would become known as one of the most relentless, brutal bands on the planet. Diego shares his life experience how he got those heavy riffs out of his head & onto the records we still love years later. Also becoming a father, his time playing bass in Cephalotripsy, the extremely deep concept of all those evil album covers, how writing poetry helped him write death metal lyrics & much more! SPONSORS: 30% OFF! USE CODE: HEAVY AT CHECKOUT FOR 15% OFF! TIME CODES: 00:00 - Fatherhood & Passing Down Musical Genes to Daughter 07:47 - Jinjer 10:14 - ‘96-’97, Joining Disgorge 14:48 - Chemistry with Ricky Myers, Disgorge Loved & Respected in the Metal Scene 18:38 - Songs, Writing Process & Structure 20:02 - Jamming with Travis Ryan
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