Master Spring 6 framework and Spring Boot 3 with Project and Spring Security.
00:00:00 What is Spring
00:04:17 Project for Spring Series
00:09:11 Prerequisite and Tools required for Spring
00:14:07 IoC and DI
00:21:55 What is Spring Boot
00:34:00 DI using Spring Boot
00:47:23 Auto wire using Spring Boot
01:02:37 Spring without Boot
01:15:55 Spring xml config
01:25:47 Constructor and Setter Injection
01:41:26 Auto wire in Spring
01:53:31 Need for Spring Boot MVC
02:01:45 Spring Boot Web
02:20:20 Spring MVC and Layers
02:37:25 Spring Web Http methods GET and PUT
02:58:15 Spring Web PUT and DELETE
03:10:08 Spring Data JPA
03:20:53 Spring Data JPA and H2 Setup
03:30:12 Spring Data JPA with JPA Repository
03:41:13 understanding react frontend
03:50:22 Project using Spring - Project Setup with Model
04:02:21 Project using Spring - loading data in H2
04:14:01 CORS Error in Spring Boot
04:19:24 Response Entity and GetByID
04:32:35 Project using Spring Add Product with Image
04:50:19 Project using Spring Fetching Image
04:57:15 Project using Spring Update and Delete
05:10:03 Project using Spring Search Feature
05:25:16 Spring Security Getting Started
05:39:06 Setting our own username and password
05:54:04 CSRF Token
06:11:48 Spring Security Configuration
06:28:53 Spring Security User from Database
07:01:50 Spring Security Bcrypt Password Encoder
07:19:47 What is JWT and Why
07:34:27 Spring Security Project Setup for JWT
07:50:59 Generating JWT Token
08:03:04 Validating Token
08:23:29 Spring Security Google and Github Login
3 weeks ago 00:00:39 1
3 weeks ago 00:30:41 4.3K
Java и gRPC: быстрый старт со Spring Boot | Преимущества, Настройка и Использование