Imaging brain tumors - 5 - Non glial tumors

Brain tumors are one of the most common diagnoses addressed in neuroradiology. This covers a wide spectrum of disease, from primary brain tumors like gliomas and glioblastomas to secondary disease like metastases. This lecture covers the spectrum of the most common brain tumors, with an emphasis on primary brain tumors. This video discusses imaging of common non-glial brain tumors, such as lymphoma, metastasis, and meningioma. Lymphoma is a common brain tumor which can be either associated with systemic lymphoma or more commonly confined to the brain (primary central nervous system, CNS, lymphoma). It is associated with immunosuppression and HIV. Metastatic disease is also common, and it’s important to remember that up to 50% of intracranial metastases are solitary. Meningiomas are the most common brain tumors overall and are extra-axial lesions. They come in 3 grades, and grade 2 and 3 are often irradiated after resection. Additional videos in the playlist will address the imaging findings
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