Sniper Elite 4: Deathstorm 1 - Save Keys to Open Doors Trophy / Achievement Guide
Sniper Elite 4: Deathstorm 1 - Save Keys to Open Doors Trophy / Achievement Guide
This guide shows you how to obtain the achievement / trophy “Save Keys to Open Doors“ in the game Sniper Elite 4. This achievement / trophy is located in the DLC Deathstorm 1: Inception. To open the door you have to loot 2 keys from 2 dead officers. The first officer with a key can you find in the large hall in the middle left on your map (light grey building with track rails) The second officer with a key is located in the middle of the “forest“ area on your map. The train door is a main mission objectives and unmissable. The door is located on the right side of your map and it is the large building where the track rails end.
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