Making of “BLACK WIDOW“ 3D Portrait - Part 6: Grooming in Xgen Part1.

This is the 6th video of the making of Black Widow 3D portrait, in this Video I will show you how I made the groom using Xgen in Maya. This is only the first part, it has the start of the hair groom, but later I changed my mind and went with another hair style, but I thought it would be cool to also show you this. Next Video I will show you how I made the curly hair groom, and after that I will show you how I groomed the eyebrows, eyelashes, and peach fuzz. ***Please subscribe so I can stay motivated and keep posting videos :) *** follow me where I post all my artwork, work in progress, share tips and answer question : ***As some of you know, these videos used to be on my Patreon account, so please keep in mind that they were recorded more than a year ago, please also note that the lookdev and shading wasn’t done by me, so I won’t be able to share video tutorials for this part, but I will show
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