TOP 10 ADC MAIN in League 2023 | Libra

Buy LOL Smurf Account : ( Used CODE : libra for 15% Discount ) Check out Chinese LOL Montage - Every day : @Libraloll Hey guys, from now on you will see randomly face reacting to video stuff so that we can avoid reused content and copyright issues... Other channel game plays ❤ ADC Game plays : @chineseadclol ❤ Jungle Game plays : @Chinesejunglee ❤ TopLane Game plays : @chinesetoplane ❤ Midlane Game plays : @chinesemidlane Credits : Shuang Yi Stream : HanQianLuo Stream : Ratirl Stream : Saber Stream : Dealer Stream : Pandore Stream : Shiye Stream : Chaner Stream : Yuzi Stream : Yizhu Stream :
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