Most beautiful fretless bass solo?

Bengt Olsson plays a beautiful fretless bass solo on a Hohner headless with the frets removed. The song is Rug by Synsbedragerne. Norwegian Public Broadcaster 02-11-1999. Written by Eivind Lorentzen, Paolo Marcon and Cecilie Løveid. The following personnel was involved in arranging, recording and completing the song: Hannah Jønland: vocals Eivind Lorentzen: guitars, programming, production, mix. Morten Lund: mastering Nina Lundberg: backing vocals à la Le Cinquième Élément. Bengt Olsson: fretless bass, engineering, production, mix Jon-Willy Rydningen: recording engineer for backing vocals Hamlet Pedersen: drums, percussion. NB! Even Finsrud plays drum in this recording.
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