The Final Resting Place Of Jerry Lee Lewis On The Day Of His Funeral

I was fortunate enough to be able to attend the funeral of Jerry Lee Lewis on November 5, 2022 in Ferriday, Louisiana, and then his burial in Clayton, Louisiana, which is approximately a 15 minute drive from Ferriday. It rained most of the night and into the morning and was around 52 degrees Fahrenheit (11 degrees Celsius) at 9am local time when I arrived at the cemetery. This is footage I took two hours prior to his burial, and then just after he was laid to rest. His funeral was from 10am-11am and then afterwards was the burial here at this cemetery, then there was a celebration of his life at 1pm back in Ferriday at the Arcade Theater which is just a few blocks from where the funeral took place. Rest in peace dear Jerry Lee, we already miss you so much but your legacy will live on through your amazing catalog of music, decades of memories, and the millions of fans from around the world. We will always love you. Elmo K Lewis Junior (Brother) 1929-1938 Steve Allen Lewis (Son) 1959-1962
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