月刊ニコニコ踊ってみたランキング #73 2020年12月 - Niconico Video sm38196608

踊ってみた公式番組「踊ってみた THE NEXT WORLD #4」12月ランキング結果→so38123036 結果を見比べてみても面白いかと思いますよ! ■ Aggregation period: 0:00 on December 1, 2020 to 0:00 on January 1, 2021 ■ Aggregation method: Number of views x Correction value A Number of comments x Correction value B Number of registered My Lists x 50 * Correction value A: 1.8- ((Number of days elapsed from the posting date) ÷ 40) * Correction value B: {((Play My List) ÷ (Play Comment My List)) ^ 10} × 30 There is no minimum correction value B. Both the correction values A and B are moved up to the third decimal place. The upper limit of the number of playback points is 600 times the number of my lists. The maximum number of playback points for works with My List 0 or less is 300. The upper limit of My List points is 5 times the number of views. ■ Aggregation target: Videos registered in the tag “I tried to dance“ ■紹介動画一覧 mylist/70444173 | ■○○してみたランキング一覧→mylist/59832390 くまP 01/30/2021 15:00 Views
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