Best ski instruction videos - how to carve on skis - advanced ski lesson #4 - Transition

Best ski instruction videos - how to carve on skis - advanced ski lesson #4 - Transition What we are here to look at today 1. Transition #1 low speed skidded arch lengthen both legs and twisting the ski on the snow 2. Transition #2 steeper train, lengthening the new outside ski to aline the COM with the BOS. resulting in a steeper line of inclination. 3. Transition #3 increases speed with the intention of carving above the fall line. Stay balanced over the downhill ski till the COM starts to topple over the BOS, while rolling the foot over creating early balance on the new downhill ski 4. Transition #4 full carved arch. bending the downhill early will start the toppling effect, quicker engagement of the new downhill ski on edge.
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