The royal couple depart for France (1938)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit The King and The Queen leave on trip to Paris Full Description: EUROPE: Various: INT/EXT AEROPLANES, . Escort King & Queen across Channel to France. ROYAL VISIT TO FRANCE OF KING GEORGE & QUEEN ELIZABETH :Leave Victoria Station for Dover/Leave for Boulogne from Dover /Arrivel at Boulogne /Arrive in Paris /At the Arc de Triomphe/’Mayo’ Composite ’plane leaves for America with newsreel films BONNETT, George (French Ambassador in Washington) Welcomes George VI at Boulogne BOULOGNE, France King & Queen arrive en Route for Paris-Memorial of Britannia DALADIER, Mr. Welcomes King & Queen in Paris. DOVER King & Q. arrive on route for Paris ELIZABETH, Queen w. King in PARIS etc “ENCHANTRESS“ . Takes King & Q. across Channel en route for Paris “ENCHANTRESS“ . Escortes King & Q. across Channel “ENCOUNTER“ . Escorts K &
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