10 Hours of Infinite Fractal and Falling Shepard’s Tone

By popular request from ZeroPeopleFoundThisHelpful’s February, 2013’s Gif Sound Mashup (), many people asked us for a 10 hour version of the falling tone/fractal at 1:02. After three 48-hour renders (1 power outage, 1 adobe flash crash), and 26 hours uploading to YouTube, it is finally ready! Video: Used with permission from the animated fractal’s creator, Vladimir Bulatov. Check out his YouTube page here: , and his DeviantArt page here: . The video is a fractal version of M.C. Escher’s “Circle Limit III“ () created by Bulatov. Audio: Shepard’s Tone (Shepard’s Scale) consisting of rising tones set octaves apart, similar to how to barber’s pole always seems to be rising: Interestingly, the Batman’s BatPod in “The Dark Knight“ uses a Shepard Tone effect to make the motorcycle to seem to have an infinitely rising tone: In classical music, the Shepard’s Scale is used in pieces like Bach’s “
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