The Sad Legacy of Atlantis... | Vladimir Zaznobin

In this lecture given by Vladimir Zaznobin on the 21st of December, 2013, he talks about the legacy of the civilization of Atlantis, about essence and prospects of the 3 current global civilizations, Western, Eastern and Russian, and much more. 0:26 — Introduction 07:14 — The Fate of the Civilization of Atlantis 20:15 — 3 civilizations: Eastern Western and Russian 21:42 — China as the Centre of Eastern Civilization 28:12 — Concept of Love in the East, in the West, and in Russia 41:45 — What Awaits Us? 57:42 — What is in the Defaults of Putin’s Press Conferences? 1:02:16 — Conception of Social Safety, Dead Water in the list of Extremist Literatur and Vladmir Putin 1:14:03 — A Curious Chinese Cartoon and its Encoded Symbolism 1:30:53 — Questions and Answers #atlantis #zaznobin #kob
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