How To Paint a Seasonal Watercolour of a Robin

How To Paint a Seasonal Watercolour of a Robin This week I explore some new techniques for creating snow effects in a seasonal painting of a lovely Robin on a snow-covered post. The is an affiliate link to Rosemary Brushes if you want to go to and place an order. Under order summary please add PAULAPPS in that section Affiliate codes, thank you so much. Enjoy and add your comments please with thoughts and ideas that you would like to see me do and cover in future videos. Best wishes Paul Website: Instagram: Paul Apps Artist Facebook Page: Paul Apps Artist. Patreon: My Patreon can be found at So much on offer, well worth checking out for a few pounds each month. Patreon Page On my Patreon page, you will find the full versions of videos along with other full-time narrated tutorials for you to enjoy. I am using a limited palette as shown in the film. M
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