BEDROOM SHOULD BE YOUR SAFE ROOM #1. NO WIRELESS DEVICES. has 5 very good tips. Basically keep your bedroom clean & all other devices, electrical products as far away as possible. I discovered myself and use a ceramic heater as it is and has been in over 30 years the most safe and uses the least amount of electricity yet will heat up a large bedroom far below freezing temperatures. HAS MANY SAFE PRODUCTS YOU CAN BUY & TIPS. #2. Most exposure is from power lines that come through the windows and there are “shields“ you can buy to put on your bedroom window to cut down exposure. #3. SLEEP in anti-radiation baby blanket to minimize exposure. #4. sleep in “protective canopies“ specifically designed to protect from radiation that block 99% EMF/RF made from POLYESTER-COPPER-SILVER-MESH. #5. Paint bedroom wall (Youtube has a video on this requires a good contractor & not appropriate for apt but good if you own or buy a new home). paint must be an
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