Infernax - Launch Trailer

💀Buy Infernax on Steam: 💀Buy Infernax on Nintendo Switch Europe: 💀 Buy Infernax on Nintendo Switch America: 💀 Buy Infernax on Playstation 4 Europe: 💀 Buy Infernax on Playstation 4 America: 💀 Buy Infernax on Xbox: Infernax is now available for a night on the demon-plagued town across Steam, Nintendo Switch, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Xbox Game Pass, PC Game Pass, and Xbox Cloud Gaming. Infernax is priced at $,99€, but if you prefer a cheap date, a 10% discount will be available on Steam and the eShop for a week. Your endearing companion is the most eligible bachelor Alcedor, a warrior freshly returned from the fields of battle. Though he’s lightly splattered in blood, it accentuates the roses he brought you (aw). Alcedor has the strength of a dozen men and is fiercely protective; whether you’re threatened with a grisly death by the claws of hellspawn or the minor inconvenience of opening a door, Alcedor will never let you down © The Arcade Crew - Berzerk Studio - 2022 All Rights Reserved
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