So You Lost And Got Everlasting Moonglow (Genshin Impact)
Hey everyone.
This video is a joke.
0:00 Intro
1:35 I’m sorry
2:29 Alms for the poor?
2:50 Promise
3:30 What is Moonglow?
4:30 Compromise
5:43 Chose your character
6:13 Obvious choice
7:08 Should I question my life choices?
7:53 Totally pro guide
8:21 The Team
9:25 Best Disclaimer Yet
9:33 Totally accurate Showcase
10:09 The Lesson?
10:34 It can’t be that good
10:48 Final words/Outro
Hey everyone. So in this video I talk about everlasting moonglow. To be honest It’s kind of bad, it’s way too linear and can be used like 2 characters as of now. But hey, as long as I can joke about it, it’s fine in my books.
Anyway, hope you liked the video. Next video will be out Friday, till then.
See ya.