Honkai v6.6 - Hare uses Infinity CORE 2 in Elysian Realm!

Honkai Impact 3 CN 6.6 BETA v2 - Hare uses Infinity CORE 2 in Elysian Realm! --- For more gameplay of Hare, Prometheus, new outfits and other 6.6 info , check out this Honkai 6.5 Playlist: V1 VID: V2 VID: V3 VID: --- Wanna support me monetarily? Become a Youtube member, or via patreon or paypal ► Follow me on Tiktok @marisahonkaich ► Twitter: ► Discord: ► Paypal: ► Patreon: --- CREDITS BGM: Persona 5 Phantom X Outro: Soft Heavy Hands - Mood2Go4 Vtuber model by hayuki0x0 , texture edit by me Thumbnail pic --- 0:00 Intro 0:31 Assaka 0:52 Heimdal 1:22 F15 Mobs 1:56 F17 Huodou 2:21 F18 Elysia 2:47 End s
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