Elevators To The Grateful Sky - Cloud Eye (Full Album)

Elevators To The Grateful Sky - Cloud Eye (Full Album) Elevators To The Grateful Sky hails from Palermo, Sicily, a place where scorching heat makes music - and stoner rock, in this case - particularly angry and dazed. Combining 70’s heavy rock riffing with psychedelic flights, doom metal dirges and a whole palette of influences, Elevators To The Grateful Sky aren’t afraid to roam across different styles while keeping their fuzzed-out wall of sound intact. Cloud Eye was their debut full album and released in 2013. This record is embraced by a beautifully drawn artwork - made by Sandro (vocals) - that really embodies the psychedelic experience and allows you to join the turbulent world of ETTGS. Don’t miss out on this stone-rocker from Transubstans records! Recommended for fans of Sleep, Dozer and Kyuss. 1. Ridernaut - 0:00 2. Sonic Bloom - 5:40 3. Red Mud - 9:10 4. Turn in My Head - 11:53 5. Mirador - 15:45 6. Handful of Sand - 18:52 7. Upside Up - 23:43 8.
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