Dangerous Things in Victorian Pockets : Mens Pocket History

🔎👒 Download June’s Journey for free here: Thanks to June’s Journey for sponsoring this video While the complaint about women’s pockets being substandard compared to mens has long existed, the sheer volume they were up against in the 19th century would have been difficult to match. Twelve was considered bare minimum before adding an overcoat, which doesn’t even account for “specials“ that tailors could add anywhere from inside another pocket to the outer coat sleeve for a lady’s hand to stay warm while walking together. The problem starts when you realize just how easy it was to toss something in a pocket and loose or forget it. Especially since some of those pockets were set in the tails of coats and ended up UNDER the person when seated. More than a few entertaining stories of strange and regrettable choices abound. Everything from explosions to alligators! Scarf from: Vest from: https:
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