Music for the Gods (1941)

Music For the Gods - The Fahnestock South Sea Expedition: Indonesia Various Artists Bali, Madura & Kangean Island, Indonesia (1941) eg. song title/ musical genre 1. Taboehgan/ Gamelan Semar Pegulingan (0:00) 2. Sekarinotan/ Gamelan Semar Pegulingan (4:25) 3. Pedat/ Tongtong (8:57) 4. Genderan/ Gamelan Gong (12:08) 5. Pemoengkah/ Gender Wayang (16:25) 6. Kerejing/ Jew’s Harp (20:12) 7. Laghoe Dindang/ Sandur (21:47) 8. Merakngila/ Gamelan Semar Pegulingan (26:34) 9. Gambang/ Gamelan Song (30:47) 10. Kecak/ Chanting (35:04) 11. Abimenijoe/ Gender Wayang (40:31) 12. Gambangan/ Gamelan Semar Pegulingan (44:01) 13. Dandang Gendis/ Mamaca (47:18) *Some of the tracks here (Gambangan and Sekar Ginotan) are the works of I Wayan Lotring. One of the famous Balinese gamelan composer who is highly respected because his work is very monumental and became the foundation of the development of Balinese gamelan.
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