Peter Gabriel - Full Moon Update November 2023

Peter Gabriel’s Full Moon Club update for November 2023 - it’s the beaver moon and the twelfth and last track to be taken from the album i/o. This month Peters is talking about the song Live and Let Live. Listen to music from i/o - The song is accompanied by the striking ‘Soundsuit’ artwork of Chicago based artist Nick Cave. Written and produced by Peter Gabriel, Live and Let Live is a song about forgiveness, tolerance and optimism. A joyous, rousingly-positive closing note for the album. ‘Music can be like a box of mood pills that we can use to treat ourselves and a lot of the work of the Reverberation project is focused on that sort of idea. When someone suggested that forgiveness might be a topic to write about, at first, I thought, ‘that’s not interesting to me,’ but then I remembered two things. Archbishop Desmond Tutu, who was the chair of The Elders and a real mentor for me, led the Truth and Reconciliation Committee in South Africa and that
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