【Y字バランスのせいな】うみなおし 踊ってみた【制服企画第5弾】 - Niconico Video sm38419708

Let’s be happy again I have entered the 2021 U20 section where I tried to dance super dance, so please support me with many comments and my list (; _;)! !! This song I’ve always wanted to dance to ... !! I finally made a video ... I think it was the most difficult thing in the past ... I’m afraid, but I’ve changed the expression of the first part a little, softly ... ◉ Nice sound source Headquarters: MARETU sm31808640 ◉ Nice choreography Headquarters: Garbage shop Hio-sama sm36033454 ◉ Edit: MIT. (@Mit_u) ◉踊 ・Y字バランスのせいな / mylist/65247967 ◉制服企画 第1弾 恋人募集中(仮) sm38359798 第2弾 +♂sm38370989 第3弾 放課後ストライド sm38385277 第4弾 魔法の本より(オリジナル振付) sm38403160 無断転載は御遠慮ください。 Y字バランスのせいな 03/15/2021 13:00 Views 4,427
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