CGI & VFX Breakdowns: “‘The Passenger“ - by VFX Legion | TheCGBros

***Contains Spoilers*** Check out this revealing VFX Breakdown for ‘The Passenger,’ the Newest MGM Thriller Produced by Blumhouse Effects crafted by VFX Legion. VFX Legion served as the primary visual effects studio on ’The Passenger.’ The new hostage thriller from director Carter Smith (’Swallowed’) is the most recent horror genre film produced by Blumhouse Television exclusively for MGM . Legion created a variety of digital effects to achieve a spectacle of carnage with the intensity that the director envisioned for the gruesome scenes that play out in the restaurant and during the killing spree that follows. Digitally rendered muzzle flashes, bullet hits, blood splatters and other brutal imagery delivers the high-impact visceral violence throughout the film. One of the most challenging effects - tracking a long, continuous shot - achieved a perfect lock on camera moves in SynthEyes. The uninterrupted take heightens the ferocity of bloody slaughter of the two employees by in th
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