Haruhi spoilers. If you haven’t seen the whole show the movie, you and this video won’t be... happy together. Yeah. Lots of Kyon x Haruhi in this one (is there a term for that? Kyaruhi? Haryon? Whatever.)
Hoo boy, this one was an adventure. It took me so long to find usable footage. I must’ve downloaded four or five different copies of the entire series, not to mention the movie. Some of them had hardsubs, some were awful quality, and one refused to work no matter how many times and formats I converted it to. The movie as well, I had to convert into a dozen or so different formats and codecs before I got one that worked. Then when I finally did get everything working, I ran into one of the more persistent problems I have where Sony Vegas chugs like hell when previewing any of the footage (mainly it was the movie that gave me trouble this time).
Ultimately I don’t know if I should blame my editing software, or my converter, or the footage, or some combination of the three. All I