Let’s Play Final Fantasy VIII #109 - Ultimate Research

In this episode, we get to the bottom of what was being researched down here, and it doesn’t want to give us a hug. Recommended Setup: Rinoa: Ifrit, Carbuncle, Leviathan, Tonberry, Doomtrain, Elem-Def-J Quake, HP-J Flare, Str-J Meteor, Vit-J Meltdown, Mag-J Pain, Spr-J Reflect, Spd-J Triple, Recover, HP 40%, Str 60%, Vit 60%, Auto-Haste Squall: Shiva, Diablos, Pandemona, Alexander, Cactuar, Bahamut, Elem-Def-J Quake, HP-J Flare, Str-J Meteor, Vit-J Meltdown, Mag-J Pain, Spr-J Reflect, Spd-J Triple, Revive, HP 80%, Str 60%, Vit 60%, Auto-Haste Quistis: Quezacotl, Brothers, Siren, Cerberus, Elem-Def-J Quake, HP-J Flare, Str-J Meteor, Vit-J Meltdown, Mag-J Pain, Spr-J Reflect, Spd-J Triple, HP 80%, Str 60%, Auto-Haste Thanks for watching!
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