Which Countries Have Been OFFICIALLY Invaded By The United States?
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▶ In this video I talk about the countries that the United States have, throughout their history, officially invaded. The ’officially’ is important, given that presence of US troops in various regions throughout the world is very common at many points in history. But for this video, I decided to limit the scope to the actual official invasions, by land troops, of a territory belonging to a country that the US were at war with. I also briefly mention the full number of conflicts that the US has been involved with, accounting for the number of victories, losses, or unresolved and current conflicts. After providing an overview of all the modern countries (or historical predecessors) whose territory the US has at one point invaded, I go through a reasonably sized list of examples of these invasions, looking into some in more detail and learning why, when and how the United States of America moved forward with these invasions. With the biggest element of this being understanding the motive for said invasion; most often to conquer new territories, establish influence / prevent another power from doing so, or to guarantee trade and business interests. Save a few exceptions when righteousness was truly the reason for invasion. In these examples we shortly learn about cases such as the First Barbary War, when they invaded Algiers, Tunis, Morocco or Libya, protectorates of the Ottoman Empire. The Spanish-American War, where they took the remnants of the Spanish Colonial Empire for themselves (Cuba, the Philippines, Puerto Rico, Guam), the invasions of Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Iraq, Lebanon or Afghanistan. As well as their expeditions to Korea and China during colonial times. Not to mention the various interventions, some of which part of the ’Banana Wars’ in Central America and the Caribbean; invading and occupying nations such as Nicaragua, Panama, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Grenada, among a few more.
00:00 INTRO
00:25 How many conflicts have the US fought?
01:36 The common element: invasions
02:36 Criteria for what we consider an invasion
03:58 Map overview of invaded countries
05:31 First Barbary War
06:26 Mexican-American War
07:00 Mexican Border War
07:23 Second Opium War (China)
08:26 Joseon Expedition Korean War
09:38 German Territories
10:07 Spanish-American War
10:39 Philippines & Cuba
11:01 Central America Caribbean
12:04 Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia
12:29 Lebanon, Iraq and Afghanistan
13:24 Summary
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