Walk around Hamina, December 2021, Finland [4K]

Walk around Hamina, December 2021, Finland. Temperature was -14 °C / 6.8 °F. The town of Hamina is located approximately 145 km (90 mi) east of the country’s capital Helsinki, in the Kymenlaakso region, and formerly the province of Southern Finland. Hamina is the base of one of the most important harbors of Finland, the Port of Hamina-Kotka. Originally the town of Hamina was called Vehkalahti (a municipality first mentioned in 1336). At the proposal of Count Peter Brahe, the area surrounding the Vehkalahti church (today St. Mary’s Church) received its charter in 1653 through the establishment of Vehkalahden Uusikaupunki (Veckelax Nystad in Swedish, “The New Town of Vehkalahti“). The town is known of its rare concentric star fort city plan style dating back to 1720s. More info about Hamina: 00:00 Intro 0:18 Hamina Fortress surrounding the town, built in the 18th century, it is one of the star forts in Finland 1:00 Kadettikoulunkatu street 1:45 Reserve Officer School
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