From the UFO Casebook Archives... The Carp, Canada UFO Landing

Each week for a period of 6 months or more, the UFO Casebook will release some of its archived video files to the Net. Every effort was made to bring a lot of the older files to a better quality. We hope you enjoy them... The Carp Case - The MUFON Ontario Version (Credits: March, May & July 1994 issues of “THE MUFON ONTARIO NEWSLETTER“) Tom Theofanous was an investigator with CUFORN in Toronto, from 1987 to 1992. He and his wife, Lise, have been with MUFON Ontario since then. Tom is now Deputy Director of MUFON Ontario, in Toronto. This case has had much coverage in the media. Tabloid television shows like ’Unsolved Mysteries’, ’Sightings’ and ’Encounters’ have given it much air-time, as have cable-tv stations all over North America. Internationally, magazines newspapers and news-letters have devoted hundreds of pages to it and UFO conferences around the planet have intrigued many thousands of attendees with it’s seemingly startling details. ’Carp’ has achieved ’One Of The Most Significant Cases In UFO
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