Ми вирішили не відставати від культу Барбі, але зробили це у мультяшній стилістиці. Це перший в Україні подібний творчий експеримент, і ми сподіваємося, що наші яскраві образи, а також образи наших dream girls підтримають літній вайб і піднімуть усім настрій. We decided to keep up with the Barbie cult, but we did it in a cartoon style. This is the first creative experiment of this kind in Ukraine, and we hope that our bright images, as well as the images of our dream girls, will support the summer vibe and cheer everyone up. DSIDE BAND: Oleg Gladun Arthur Zhyvchenko Serhii Misevra Kiril Grek Stanislav Kolodynskyi “Dream Girl” 1. I’m hopeless, romantic Just crushin’, just sayin I want you, I’ll go hard I’ll fly round’ the world. As long as you love me,  I’ll love you, I’ll stay true It’s easy Cause you are such a dream girl. Boys will be boys Girls will be girls But when we fall in love We can change the world. Boys might be rude Girls maybe, too But when we fall in love We can change the world. It’s amazing It’s so special. 2. I’m dreaming, I’m fighting I’m living, excited  I’m always pursuing  The best of my soul. I look in your eyes  and I find inspiration It’s magic Cause you’re such a dream girl. Boys will be boys Girls will be girls But when we fall in love We can change the world. Boys might be rude Girls maybe, too But when we fall in love We can change the world. It’s amazing It’s so special. Director: Eugene Sukhomlyn Stop Motion Artist: Ivashchenko Yuliia DOP: David Korner Producer: Alena Dronik Scriptwriter: Olga Spur Gaffer: Max Lopata Wardrobe/Style : Ivan Petrushevskyi Make up: Mitya Hrybko Edit: Yaroslav Mozgovyi Rental: Patriot Music author & composer: Mikhail Mironov Lyrics: Olga Spur & Mikhail Mironov Music producer : Vladislav Fenichko Mixing engineer : SMM: Roman Oliynyk Booking: 380 (99) 956 09 65 Tatiana Geyden Pr management: 380 (63) 336 70 72 Oleksandra Grishaieva
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