Beings | Animation Meme

GET CLAIR PLUSHIE HERE! I wanted to make a gift for my moderators and helpers in the Chimereon group. I really appreciate all the hard work they do for the species, and the group wouldn’t be what it is without all the love and care they put into it. Plus they are just great to be around and I’m glad I get the chance to talk with them each day!! 💚💚 Sorry if this is kinda cheesy, I’m just feeling like a bit of a mush, and I wanted my mods to let them know how awesome they are 💚 Characters in this video belong to (not in any particular order): Myself (Clair), Spyromancy, Moyagi, Jinn, CherrySnakeCat, Kelpie, Silv, CandyChameleon, Bea, Miri, Arrcrao, Pokii, and Giggle. Animating this was a challenge, especially tackling the more detailed characters, but in the end I’m really happy with how this came out!! I think this is probably the animation I’ve had the most fun making this year, so
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