
API\ 7:02 Basic Find 12:13 Query Params 17:45 Mongoose V6 Update 18:33 Refactor to QueryObject 24:58 Company 28:41 Name 36:55 Sort - General Setup 43:40 Sort - getAllProducts Implementation 51:37 Select Option 55:35 Skip and Limit - General Info 59:03 Pagination 1:06:30 Numeric Filters - Setup 1:09:48 Numeric Filters - Regex 1:17:38 Numeric Filters - Complete 1:22:20 Outro - Basics\ 1:22:28 Intro 1:26:22 Setup 1:31:16 Controllers 1:37:53 Postman Setup 1:40:36 Validate Username and Password 1:49:29 JWT - Overview 1:51:50 JWT - Structure 1:56:34 JSONWEBTOKEN Package 1:57:05 Sign JWT 2:03:57 Bearer Token - Overview 2:08:10 Send Bearer Token 2:10:45 Check Auth Header 2:14:51 Verify Token 2:20:04 Auth Middleware Setup 2:24:08 Auth Middleware Complete 2:30:28 More Error Classes 2:36:10 Status Codes 2:39:04 More Refactor - Complete App API\ 2:45:22 Intro 2:49:33 Setup 2:54:45 Controllers 2:57:38 Routes 3:04:39 Database Connection 3:06:46 User Schema 3:12:33 Create User - Basic Setup 3:18:36 Error Checking - Controller Example 3:22:34 Hashing Password Info 3:24:28 Hash User Password 3:31:20 Mongoose Middleware 3:37:47 Generate Token - Controller 3:44:57 Generate Token - Instance Method 3:50:29 JWT_SECRET and JWT_LIFETIME 3:53:49 Login Controller Setup 4:01:09 Compare Password 4:08:05 Auth Middleware - Setup 4:15:54 Auth Middleware - Testing 4:21:48 Alternative Code 4:23:31 Job Model 4:29:50 Create Job Route 4:37:40 Get All Jobs 4:41:53 Set Token Dynamically in Postman 4:47:04 Get Single Job 4:53:30 Update Job 5:00:21 Remove Job 5:05:13 Duplicate Error 5:14:38 Custom Error 5:16:24 Validation Error 5:22:49 Cast Error 5:26:34 Security Info and Packages 5:29:44 Security Setup 5:32:49 Additional Info 5:33:08 Heroku Info 5:35:25 Deploy to Heroku 5:51:24 Swagger UI Info 5:52:30 Clone Existing Heroku Project 5:55:44 Export Postman Docs 5:57:43 APIMATIC Info 5:58:22 APIMATIC Setup 6:03:31 Swagger UI Editor 6:09:27 Add Swagger UI Upload\ 6:16:45 Intro 6:18:33 Setup 6:23:19 Product Model 6:25:10 Basic Structure 6:33:22 Postman Setup 6:36:05 Create Product (Fail) 6:41:27 Upload Image - Postman 6:44:42 EXPRESS-FILEUPLOAD Package 6:55:47 Complete File Upload 7:04:43 Additional Checks 7:10:59 Cloudinary Intro 7:13:48 Cloudinary Setup 7:17:09 Upload Image to Cloudinary 7:28:18 Remove Temp Files Emails\ 7:30:56 Intro 7:31:40 Setup 7:36:10 Nodemailer Info 7:38:27 Ethereal Info and Account 7:41:16 Send Emails With Ethereal 7:46:04 SendGrid Info 7:47:05 Sender Identity 7:48:32 Send Emails with SendGrid Payment\ 7:55:45 Intro 7:56:23 Setup 7:58:06 General Overview 8:00:18 API Keys 8:01:13 Flow Overview 8:06:43 Controller Setup 8:12:55 Complete Payment API\ 8:20:18 Intro 8:20:59 Setup 8:23:22 Basic Express Server 8:28:00 Connect To DB 8:32:50 Basic Routes 8:38:33 notFound vs ErroHandler Middleware 8:42:24 Morgan Package 8:45:44 User Model 8:52:01 Validator Package 8:55:13 Auth Routes Structure 9:02:51 Postman Environment Setup 9:07:54 Register - Initial Setup 9:12:41 Register - Unique Email 9:15:32 User Roles 9:21:45 Hash Passwords 9:27:27 JWT Setup 9:32:56 Refactor JWT Setup 9:39:26 Cookies Setup 9:47:16 Parse Cookies 9:53:04 Refactor Cookies Setup 10:00:04 Signed and Secure Flags 10:03:34 Login Route 10:09:09 Logout Route 10:15:41 Cookies -Big Picture and _Gotchas_ 10:37:16 User Routes - Structure 10:47:07 User Routes - Postman 10:53:19 getAllUsers and getSingleUser 10:58:52 Authenticate User - Setup 11:06:24 Authenticate User - Complete 11:11:56 Authorize Permissions - Setup 11:18:34 Authorize Permissions - Complete 11:26:56 ShowMe Controller 11:31:33 UpdatePassword Controller 11:40:15 CreateTokenUser Function 11:44:24 UpdateUser Controller - FindOneAndUpdate() 11:52:25 UpdateUser Controller - ()
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