In loving memory of Cristina Vespucci [ACB]

-siiiiiigh- why did Cristina have to die? I’m not afraid to say I cried for hours after x.x Her words “I wish we could have had... a second chance“ made me shiver .__. and still has an affect on me now. I loved I feel so bad for Ezio. Everyone who’s close to him just has to die and I hate it. I really wish they could have had a second chance... I wish Cristina just went with Ezio and they’d get a second chance then have a baby who grew up to be an Assaasin just like his/her daddy. It would’ve been amazing. But just had to kill her right? -.- I wish I was an Assassin in Renaissance times to go team up with Ezio and kill off all the stupid Templars. Erggg -.- So anyway, I hope you enjoy this video. I hope it get’s you thinking and I added some lyrics from the video in parts that would make sense with it. So make sure you read those. -- I used this song because well, I love this band first of all and I’m lucky to have
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