Welcome to WTW project! Introduction of Aaliyah From Belgium

Welcome to WTW project! Introduction of Aaliyah From Belgium 위시걸스 – Yours is mine DANCE COVER CHALLENGE TOP5 팀중 추가 초청자로 WTW프로젝트에 초대받은 벨기에의 “Aaliyah”를 소개합니다. 한국으로 초청될 모든 행운의 주인공들과 함께 만들어갈 WTW 프로젝트에 여러분의 많은 기대 바랍니다!^^ “Wishgirls – Yours is mine COVER CHALLENGE” Additional Winner Aaliyah introduces herself and tells her what she’s looking forward to participating in the WTW Project. We hope you’ll look forward to the “WTW project” that we’ll be making with everyone who’s invited to
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