Rhinoplasty Recovery Guide 👃 - 4 - When Should I Start Using Prescription Drugs After Rhinoplasty?
On the day of surgery, it is necessary to wait at least 4 hours for the general anesthetic drugs to be released from the body after the operation. That is, the earliest oral fluid or solid food can be taken after 4 hours. Likewise, oral antibiotics, such as pain reliever, is recommended to start using after 4 hours of drugs. Apart from that, although the ocean water spray, intranasal moisturizing drop (or spray), antibiotic pomade applied to the tip of the nose may be used immediately after operation; it is generally recommended that these things be started at night or the morning of the following day. During the operation, antibiotic pomat is already applied to the intranasal silicone and the stitch area at the end of the nose. Anti-edema products such as Arnica Gel or Arnigen Spray can also be started at night or the next morning in the same way.
#Rhinoplasty #NoseJob #Drugs #PostOpCare
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