Wong Shun Leung Ving Tsun visit military base of Beijing

I hope that many other Kung Fu brothers start sharing the work of Grandmaster Wong Shun Leung not only by giving classes but also sharing their video material so the people may get information also from “first hand“ although it is by video, so we may increase the vast knowledge that Grandmaster Wong Shun Leung has left behind and may future generations to come be able to continue his work. Explaining Chi Sao, first second and third form Sil nim Tao , cham kui and bil jee in Ving Tsun Wong Shun Leung Ving Tsun visit military base of Beijing Seminar for the elite forces of the chinese army in Beijing. -- ► Subscribe to My Channel Here Kwok One is a 3 times champion of South Holland in Nunchaku-Do and life time practitioner of martial arts, with a passion for dance. As a serial entrepreneur he founded several companies. a unique motivational and spiritual event that takes place on different locations around the world info: -- as founder and creator of the “Good2Great” master classes for large and small cooperations, schools and dancers. A unique method where all attendee’s will be guided through a process that will ignite people to tap into their true potential. info: -- Thank you for watching this video. I hope that you keep up with the videos I post on the channel, subscribe, and share your learnings with those that need to hear it. Your comments are my oxygen, so please take a second and say ‘Hey’ ;). ---- Bookings whats app: 31 654 62 55 22 Follow Me Online Here: Facebook: Instagram: Website: Twitter:
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