Follow-Up is King: How to Buy Off-Market Properties from Motivated Sellers!

The 666 Rule for Real Estate Success: Get Seller Financing Deals Fast! šŸŽ“ Buy My New Book, Feed a Homeless Personā€”Iā€™ll Send You the Proof! Download your copy If you want to land off-market properties from motivated sellers, the key is consistent follow-up! In this video, Iā€™m sharing my 666 for Success strategy that will teach you how to follow up effectively and get the deals youā€™ve been missing out on. What does 666 mean? Itā€™s simple: you need to follow up with sellers at least 6 times using 6 different media types. Why? Because no one wants to sell their property through seller financing or at a deep discount right away. Only time and consistent contact will motivate them to work with you. The 666 strategy includes phone calls, text messages, emails, handwritten letters, in-person visits, and more! When you consistently follow up with motivated sellers using these six methods, you maximize your chances of getting seller
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