3 Mini Eucalyptus Doodles: Step by Step Instructions

Hi everyone! I decided to do more ink doodles, since you guys seem to enjoyed the ones I made for Christmas. This time it’s a doodle of 3 types of eucalyptus leaves. I think round leaves are so cute, so I decided to pick a couple of round types. If any of you ever read this though, I want to apologise in advance for my hair being out of place, and popping out in the frame whenever I’m drawing. I have lots of baby hairs at the moment so they just stick out everywhere haha Anyway hope you guys enjoy these doodles! Follow me on skillshare and use this link for your FREE TRIAL • Buy me a Ko-fi: • Subscribe: • Follow me on instagram @ig_nianiani ** I’ve set the community contributions on for this video- for you guys who are willing to add on subtitles! Thank you so much for your constant help and support ^_^ TOOLS: Mini Sketchbook: M
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