[Trainz 2019 Remake] Southern Pacific In The 1950s
This is the remake of Ronthecyborg’s Railfanning the SP in MSTS, but recreated in Trainz Railroad Simulator 2019! Except I had to extend a few shots a bit in order to show a bit more than what the original video had, and it has transitions this time!
Although this isn’t 1080p, this is still one of the best revamp projects I’ve ever had the pleasure to finish so far.
Original Video:
Even though his video isn’t 100% accurate, it’s still worth watching, and one of the oldest videos on YouTube.
FYI, the Cab Forward reskin seen in this video is private, and it’s payware, since I bought it from the Paul’s Trainz website. Therefore, I can’t redistribute it. Also the SP 4-10-2 locomotive seen in this video is no longer available on the Jointed Rail website. It used to be available, but not anymore. So yeah, don’t ask me about that either. I understand that it is tempting to ask someone for rare stuff, but try to resist the te
4 months ago 00:27:51 1
Колосовское направление [Одесса] | Trainz Railroad Simulator 2019
5 months ago 00:08:25 90
Все что нужно для заказа реального рельфа для игры trainz