Kurt Vonnegut on Man-Eating Lampreys | Blank on Blank

This episode is brought to you by Dropbox “Nothing means anything“ - Kurt Vonnegut on November 8, 1970 From the Pacifica Radio Archives Hear the full, unedited interview plus see Vonnegut’s art work, learn secrets of Slaughterhouse-Five, and more nuggets of Vonnegut here: In November 1970, Kurt Vonnegut walked into a class room at NYU. He was a guest speaker that day. He’d prepared some handwritten notes on what he wanted to say: there were his thoughts on the art of writing, his childhood, the death of his parents. He jumped from topic to topic as he shuffled through his papers. Sometimes his voice trailed off. He delivered punchlines with perfect timing. The class roared. Listening to this tape, we get to be flies on the wall that day. So take a seat, but your book bag down and enjoy. Here’s Kurt Vonnegut Executive Producer: David Gerlach Animator: Patrick Smith Audio Producer: Amy Drozdowsk
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