Brett Alexander Boye - Post​-​Industrial Junkyard

Текст с Bandcamp’а: “Why continue to be a part of something so knowingly destructive? Easier said than done of course, but our character and many others along with him decide to cut their ties to it. Oh and by the way, this ends part 3. Hey, Tyranny manipulating us again And knockin down knockin down our dignity Hey, Tyranny repeating history again And knockin down knockin down our liberty All we have to do is break and cut the strings All we have left is junk to set us free Reallocate the scrap, liberate our minds All we have to do is break and cut the strings We’re waking up, we’re waking up We’re walking off the grid We’re off the grid It’s breaking down, it’s breaking down It’s coming down from Truth Mosaic, released June 9, 2016“
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