Were Peter Pan And Wendy In Love? - Disney Theory

Hey howdy hey how is everybody doing and welcome back to Disney Daily In the 1953 classic movie Peter Pan. We meet two wonderful characters who couldn’t be more different from one another. First, There’s Peter Pan who is the mischievous and adventurous-boy who fights pirates and befriends fairies). Who has DECIDED to never grow up and convinces others to adopt that same mantra. THEN There Is the curious, beautiful and responsible WENDY DARLING, who although loves a good story, knows when it is time to responsible and mature. And take things seriously- The two characters first meet one n...ight when Peter wanders into the Darling children’s bedroom in search for his through out their adventure in Neverland, the two really learn not only more about one another but about themselves. Ever since I can remember, I always wondered if there was more between Peter Pan and Wendy. I always felt there were so many little things throughout the movie that hinted at some sort of romantic interest. As I’ve grown older and watched the film again I have had a different interpretation almost every time I’ve watched it back. Sometimes I see romance on both sides, sometimes it seems one sided and other times it seems none existent altogether- So in Todays videos, I attempt to answer the question were Peter Pan and Wendy ever in love once and for all! Like Disney videos? Check these out! Captain Hook Backstory- How Did Peter Pan Meet Tinkerbell?- Follow me on: Tik Tok- @disneydailyyt?lang=enInstagram- #peterandwendy #peterpan #disney
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