The Reilly Method - Drawing the Reilly Body Abstraction Part 3

The Reilly Method - Drawing the Reilly Body Abstraction Part 3 The Loomis Head Series We are now ready to explore the figure abstraction. Just as we used the head abstraction to navigate the landmarks and rhythms of the head, we will now work on the figure. This system will help to assist you when working quickly, doing exercises like quick sketch, or when inventing or embellishing figures from photos or life. Keep in mind if this is your first introduction to this system, it might be a bit overwhelming. I know, it was for me. I now rely heavily on it as it has become intuitive. One must keep in mind that the lines track along muscle insertions and as such are very logical. Be careful not to create abstractions that don’t have a basis on functional anatomy. As with most things concerning the figure, anatomy is the linchpin. We will get into that soon enough. For now, have fun exploring and experimenting with these lines.
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