The Story of the STG 44: The Birth of the Assault Rifle

Check out World of Tanks here and use code ’TANKMANIA’ with our link to get your bonuses! Throughout the history of warfare there have been moments where the way in which battle was conducted changed dramatically. These revolutions were often brought about by either a shift in operational doctrine, the advent of new technology or as was often the case both with one being a result of the incorporation of the other. In this, the second in our weapon file series we are going to be examining the genesis, introduction and legacy of a new weapon that appeared in the middle of World War II, one that was met with early scepticism and then went on to influence generations of infantry weapons afterwards. This is the story of the STG 44 and the birth of the assault rifle – welcome to Wars of the World. 0:00 Introduction 2:58 The Quest For Quicker Reloads 7:34 Rethinking War for a Second Time 13:47 Birth of the Assault Rifle 17:34 An Incredible Legacy
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