7:42 142 DEMO Private S3 Buckets PART2
25:02 143 Advanced VPC DNS DNS Endpoints
40:44 144 DEMO Implementing AWS On premises Hybrid DNS PART1
48:49 145 DEMO Implementing AWS On premises Hybrid DNS PART2
55:45 146 DEMO Implementing AWS On premises Hybrid DNS PART3
1:12:03 147 DEMO Implementing AWS On premises Hybrid DNS PART4
1:21:04 148 IPv6 Capability in VPCs PART1
1:31:29 149 IPv6 Capability in VPCs PART2
1:42:34 150 Advanced VPC Structure How Many AZs
1:54:28 151 Advanced VPC Structure Subnets Tiers PART1
2:02:11 152 Advanced VPC Structure Subnets Tiers PART2
2:16:21 153 ASSOCIATESHARED FSx for Windows File Server
2:27:54 154 ASSOCIATESHARED FSx for Lustre
2:42:13 155 ASSOCIATESHARED EFS Refresher
2:51:19 156 202111UPDATE ASSOCIATESHARED DEMO Implementing EFS PART1
3:00:43 157 ASSOCIATESHARED DEMO Implementing EFS PART2
3:13:49 158 ASSOCIATESHARED S3 Object Storage Classes PART1
3:23:13 159 ASSOCIATESHARED S3 Object Storage Classes PART2
3:33:15 160 ASSOCIATESHARED S3 Lifecycle Configuration
3:47:20 161 ASSOCIATESHARED S3 Replication
4:01:25 162 ASSOCIATESHARED S3 Object Encryption PART1
4:11:36 163 ASSOCIATESHARED S3 Object Encryption PART2
4:23:21 164 ASSOCIATESHARED S3 Presigned URLs
4:35:39 165 ASSOCIATESHARED DEMO Refresher S3 Presigned URLs
4:54:51 166 ASSOCIATESHARED S3 Select Glacier Select
5:00:24 167 ASSOCIATESHARED S3 Access Points
5:06:35 168 ASSOCIATESHARED S3 Object Lock
5:16:32 169 ASSOCIATESHARED Amazon Macie
5:28:36 170 ASSOCIATESHARED EBS Volume Types General Purpose
5:38:00 171 ASSOCIATESHARED EBS Volume Types Provisioned IOPS
5:44:16 172 ASSOCIATESHARED EBS Volume Types HDD Based
5:48:49 173 ASSOCIATESHARED Instance Store Volumes Architecture
5:57:50 174 ASSOCIATESHARED Choosing Between the EC2 Instance Store and EBS
6:06:39 175 NEW Regional and Global AWS Architecture
6:17:43 176 NEW EC2 Purchase Options PART1
6:27:10 177 NEW EC2 Purchase Options PART2
6:39:07 178 Reserved Instances the rest
6:51:05 179 EC2 Networking
7:07:26 180 NEW Bootstrapping vs AMI Baking
7:24:36 181 NEW Elastic Load Balancer Architecture ELB PART1
7:35:03 182 NEW Elastic Load Balancer Architecture ELB PART2
7:47:53 183 NEW Session State
7:57:04 184 ELB Evolution
8:01:14 185 Application vs Network Load Balancers ALB vs NLB
8:17:41 186 NEW Session Stickiness
8:27:07 187 DEMO Seeing Session Stickiness in Action
8:40:36 188 ASG Refresher
8:56:49 189 ASG Lifecycle Hooks
9:02:14 190 202109UPDATE Connection Draining
9:06:00 191 202109UPDATE X Forwarded For Proxy Protocol
9:13:17 192 AdvancedDemo Architecture Evolution STAGE1 PART1
9:26:59 193 AdvancedDemo Architecture Evolution STAGE1 PART2
9:37:54 194 AdvancedDemo Architecture Evolution STAGE2
9:50:38 195 AdvancedDemo Architecture Evolution STAGE 3
10:10:01 196 AdvancedDemo Architecture Evolution STAGE 4
10:28:21 197 AdvancedDemo Architecture Evolution STAGE 5 PART1
10:40:02 198 AdvancedDemo Architecture Evolution STAGE 5 PART2
10:54:53 199 AdvancedDemo Architecture Evolution STAGE 6
11:04:07 200 AdvancedDemo Architecture Evolution STAGE 7
11:10:06 201 EC2 Placement Groups
11:24:36 202 202109UPDATE Gateway Load Balancer GWLB
11:38:17 203 CloudWatch PART1
11:48:18 204 CloudWatch PART2
11:57:49 205 CloudWatch Logs Refresher