2021 NLP Trends

Voice recognition software is getting better and better. Once upon a time, it was something that was extremely clunky and unreliable and even the best systems required you to spend far too much time training them while speaking extremely slowly and enunciating like…well…like a computer. However, at last the systems have improved to the point where it’s possible to at least accurately convey meaning through talk to text features without having to clarify every other word. In fact, I know a trucker who does most of his communication using talk to text on his phone. It makes a few mistakes here and there but its accuracy is still pretty impressive considering he’s speaking normally while in a large moving vehicle. Then there are the voice assistants on our phones. Whether you talk to Siri, Alexa, or Cortana (all four of you, you know who you are) that voice recognition starts out needing a little training but nothing like it used to. And the more you use it to look up local restaurants, find a factoid to
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