Fall in love with home charging | The Audi RS e-tron GT

A fully charged love story. Some date nights have a little extra spark. Watch to find out if the fully electric Audi RS e-tron GT* can save the day. Discover more #Audi #FutureIsAnAttitude #Valentines #ValentinesDay ---- *Audi RS e-tron GT Power consumption (combined) in kWh/100 km: 20.2–19.3 (NEFZ); 22.6–20.6 (WLTP); CO₂ emissions (combined) in g/km: 0.  Power consumption and CO₂ emission figures given in ranges depend on the equipment selected for the vehicle. Further information on official fuel consumption figures and the official specific CO₂ emissions of new passenger cars can be found in the “Guide on the fuel economy, CO₂ emissions and power consumption of new passenger car models”, which is available free of charge at all sales dealerships and from DAT Deutsche Automobil Treuhand GmbH, Hellmuth-Hirth-Str. 1, D-73760 Ostfildern, Germany and at . Music: Genuinely composed for Audi
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