Yannick Boissenot and Julien “Pica“ Herry first descent of the Beuf-Sara couloir, Chamonix.

Aiguille du Peigne, Couloir Beuf-Sarah, first ski and snowboard descent 9/02/2020 Yannick Boissenot and Julien “Pica“ Herry Last Sunday, despite a pessimistic weather foerecast, Julien(Pica)Herry took the first lift of the Midi with Yannick Boissenot. After an hour of touring, the mixt climbing on the rock brought some spice to their morning. After leading and fighting for 20m Pica was happy to find a bolted belay and have a rest, climbing with the board on the backpack was as hard as expected. Then Yannic
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